You Are What You Eat
By Samantha Douchette No tags No commentsYou are what you eat, and who wants to be a bag of potato chips on the day of the big exam? What you decide to eat before a test can alter your alertness, concentration and energy levels. coque huawei p20 coque iphone 11 coque huawei p8 coque iphone Making the right dietary decisions will allow you to be at your top mental performance. coque samsung a8 coque autres huawei coque huawei pro Here are some tips for eating before the big test. Eat breakfast. Even if you normally don’t, eating on the morning of the exam will jump start your day. coque samsung a50 coque samsung a40 coque autres huawei Breakfast provides your brain with the power to work efficiently for the day. coque iphone coque iphone 5 coque samsung a20 coque samsung a10 coque autres huawei coque iphone xs coque samsung a5 coque samsung a7 Stick to proteins and omega-3 fatty acids. coque huawei nova coque samsung a7 coque huawei p9 coque huawei nova Eggs, nuts, whole-grain cereals, yogurt, milk, cottage cheese and fish are good choices. Eat brain-boosting foods. There are certain foods that are known to increase certain brain functions. coque iphone 6 coque autres huawei coque samsung a7 coque samsung a40 Cruciferous and leafy green vegetables, like broccoli, cabbage, spinach and collard greens, are known to increase memory. coque huawei coque huawei pro coque iphone 5 coque iphone xs coque autres huawei Salmon has been linked with overall improvement in brain health. coque huawei p20 coque huawei p30 coque huawei nova coque iphone 5 coque iphone 6 coque samsung Magnesium-rich almond and walnuts boost energy. Stay Hydrated. Drink plenty of water so you aren’t sluggish and fatigued. coque autres galaxy samsung coque huawei nova coque huawei p30 coque autres iphone 1 Dehydration is when your body lacks the right amount of water to physically and mentally perform. coque samsung a40 coque samsung a10 coque autres iphone coque huawei p30 coque huawei pro Bring a water bottle into the exam with you, but don’t drink too much. coque iphone 5 coque iphone 6 coque huawei p9 coque huawei p10 coque samsung a8 coque huawei p9 coque iphone 5 Make sure to use the restroom before going into the test. Snacking is important. If you get too hungry, your blood sugar and energy levels fall, causing you to become lethargic. coque huawei p9 coque iphone 4 coque iphone 4 Having snacks throughout the day will prevent this from happening. coque huawei coque huawei p20 coque autres huawei coque iphone xs coque samsung a7 coque huawei p10 In longer tests that allow you to take breaks, bring a snack to give you a boost of energy and concentration. coque iphone coque iphone xr coque samsung a20 coque samsung a6 Trail mix, granola bars, fruit and hummus are all good snacks. Plan accordingly. If your exam is in the morning, give yourself some extra time to prepare, eat and digest your meal.