It is an inspirational, entertaining and educational read

By Alex Silva   No tags No comments

With the exception of New England iphone cases, which reflects to reduce deliveries in the Boston market, the volume of deliveries in AVB’s other regions is expected to be pretty comparable to 2017.Supply continues to be most pronounced in the urban submarkets, a trend AVB expects to continue through 2019. For 2018, the increase in supply across the markets is mainly a result of the expected increase in deliveries in urban submarkets. Supply in suburban submarkets is projected to be 1.8% of inventory, relatively consistent with 2017, while urban submarkets pick up from 2.9% to 3.5%.AVB expects same store rental revenue growth to be between 1.5% and 2.75%, resulting in a midpoint of 2.1% or 40 basis points below the 2.5% revenue growth, generated during 2017.Both regions are expected to decelerate in 2018 iphone cases iphone cases, with the most material reduction expected in the Pacific Northwest, as the combination of slower employment growth and an increase in deliveries takes the toll on performance.On a positive note, AVB is starting to see a modest improvement in fundamentals in Northern California, particularly in San Jose as deliveries begin to taper off, so there could be some upside to that region during 2018..

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