Statistics Overview
Statistics is the science of the collection, organization, and interpretation of data. Statistics applies to a variety of fields including math, science, technology, and business, just to name a few. Statistics involves reading and interpreting tables and graphs, learning about qualifiers of data like mean, median, range, and mode, as well as more advanced topics and skills.
Calculus in the Classroom
Statistics is generally encountered at a basic level in middle or high school. Students may opt to take a statistics course in high school (if offered) or at the undergraduate and graduate level
Statistics Tutoring Program
Parliament's Statistics Tutoring Program equips students with...
- The skills necessary to master the concepts in statistics.
- Effective study skills which can be translated into use for other disciplines.
- Our statistics tutors will introduce students to all the relevant fundamentals as well as important concepts to master these sections.
Calculus Tutoring Enrollment & Contact Information:
To learn more speak to an Academic Advisor, submit an Inquiry Form or use our registration forms to enroll online and meet a Statistics Tutor today.