College Admissions & Guidance
So you're ready to start considering or applying to college... The process can be daunting at best, frightening at worst. Parliament Tutors offers expert consulting and guidance throughout the college application and admissions process. Each aspect of the student application process is addressed from sowing seeds for good references to accepting your dream school's offer of admission.
College Admissions Topics to be Covered
Making It Your Choice & Choosing Your Schools
Overview of college exploration curriculum and focus upon keys to overcoming all obstacles (academic, financial, geographical, etc.) to student’s school of choice. Choose your school, not vice-versa.Present factors which go into the group of schools to which a student should apply. How to find the school that fits your interests, harnesses your strengths, and meets your needs and aspirations.
Choosing Your Schools: Tomorrow
Potential factors which play into the group of schools to which a student should apply. How to find the school that will foster your growth and grow with you, making room for the changes in personality and preference likely to occur over the next 5 years in your life and in market and culture over the next 30 years in your country and world.
Selling Yourself
How to create an applicant file that goes far beyond grades, recommendations, and essays. Extracurriculars, employment, and community involvement. Networking and correspondence.
A Buyer’s Marketplace
Guest Speaker: Admissions Officer
Reality Check I
Discussion of reconsidered application lists, student profiles (including near future goals and plans), and personal statements / essays. Staff feedback to guide remainder of explorations and preparations.
Essential Principles of Personal Statements and Essays
General instruction and specific guidance about college application writing samples (including examples to emulate and avoid.)
Financial Aid & Scholarships
Where to save and where to invest during the application process. Worthwhile investments of time and energy for searching and starting college, and how to get the most out of them. Exploration of the many ways to fund your education. Considerations to help compare offers, costs, and investments.
The Interview
Pre-Mock Interview Practice understanding interview types (distance vs. in-person, advantages and differences). Tips on preparation and demeanor leading up to and during interviews. Practice answering common questions, curveballs, situational dilemmas, utilizing etiquette, etc.
Sowing Seeds to Reap Strong References
Who to ask, how to ask, when to review or not, general and specific references, and why reference portfolio maintenance is a lifetime endeavor.