Parliament's Dyslexia (Reading Disorder) Tutoring Overview
No child can benefit more from extracurricular instruction than those affected by developmental, learning, and other disabilities. With the help of our tutors, your child can achieve a higher level of academic success, a greater level of socialization, an enhanced learning capacity, or any instructional goal you'd like to set. Our tutors are experienced professionals driven by a passion for helping children overcome whatever challenges they face. They are proficient in traditional proven teaching and coaching techniques and are current with many newer approaches that are showing significant promise.
Parliament's Dyslexia Tutoring Program offers:
Parliament’s highly trained tutors skilled in the teaching of compensation strategies, therapy and educational support. They are also proficient in techniques and technical aids which help to manage or conceal symptoms of the disorder, and they can remove the associated stress and anxiety that often accompanies dyslexia.
Special Needs Tutoring Enrollment & Contact Information
To learn more speak to a Parliament Advisor, submit an Inquiry Form or use our registration forms to enroll online and meet a Special Needs Tutor today.