SSAT Overview
The SSAT Exam is designed to determine a student's placement for junior high and high schools. There are two versions of the SSAT exam: one for grades 5-7 and the other for grades 8-11.
SSAT Scoring
The SSAT consists of two parts and four sections; each section is given a score and percentile rank. Questions answered correctly are awarded a full point, while those answered incorrectly are penalized a quarter of a point. Questions left unanswered earn no points, but do not get penalized. For the upper level, scores range from 500-800 and for the lower level, 440-710.
SSAT Tutoring Program
Parliament's SSAT tutoring program equips students with the fundamentals as well as the analytical reasoning skills needed to succeed on the SSAT exam.
- The mathematics section uses number operations and algebra to assess students' quantitative reasoning skills.
- The verbal section uses synonym and analogy questions to determine analytical abilities.
- The general science section uses passages to test students' abilities to understand the meaning of texts.
- The reading sections uses passages to test comprehension and reading skills. Students are forced to use clever time-management strategies.
- An un-scored essay asks students to respond to a given statement. While there is no score, essays are sent to admissions councils along with test scores.
- Our SSAT tutors will introduce students to all the relevant fundamentals as well as important concepts to master these sections.
SSAT Enrollment & Contact Information
To learn more speak to an Academic Advisor, submit an Inquiry Form or use our registration forms to enroll online and meet a SSAT Tutor today.