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Cambridge Tutoring & Test Preparation | Parliament Tutors Parliament Tutors offers a myriad of services within Cambridge and the surrounding areas. Whether you are in 1st grade or trying to get into Harvard Medical School, we provide expert tutors with a track record of proven success in your area.

It is no secret that Cambridge is perhaps the most intensive academic environment in the United States, and perhaps the world. In addition to featuring the school consistently ranked as the best in the nation by USNews, Harvard, and arguably the top technical school in MIT, Cambridge also features Cambridge College and Lesley University. Cambridge also features many of the nation’s strongest public and private elementary and high schools.

As one may predict given their high options for education, Cambridge is among the most academically accomplished towns in the US with 90% of residents a high school diploma, close to 70% holding a college degree and almost 40% receiving a post graduate degree. Plain and simple, few places in the world are as academically focused as Cambridge.

As more and more students try to get into the finest prep-schools, colleges and graduate schools, competition is stiffer than ever. Although the town itself is not exceptionally large, because of the quality and name-recognition of schools like Harvard and MIT, getting into a top college in Cambridge can be one of the most difficult feats in the world. Students are expected to not only be adequate, but to outperform the vast majority of their peers.

In a town where one is expected to be great academically, it makes sense to pursue every advantage possible. Having the right tutor is one of the greatest advantages that a student can have as a strong tutor provides a friendly voice and step by step guidance to help a student reach his/her goals.

Tutoring enables a student to gain immediate and unique feedback at every step of the way. While a crowded classroom may suffer from a “you get it or you don’t” philosophy, tutoring is all about making sure that you get it no matter how long it takes. Because tutoring is completely geared around only the individual tutee, there really is no time being wasted as the student is in the driver seat of their education from start to finish

At Parliament, we realize how competitive the academic environment is in Cambridge, and are always working actively to provide our students with the very best materials and instruction. We include the most recent tests, the most advanced and experienced tutors, and personalized strategies and curriculum to help our students reach their peak potential.

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